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Se familjen Obamas storslagna julpynt i Vita huset

28 nov, 2016
AvNanna von Knorring
Julen i år blir den sista i Vita huset för familjen Obama, men de låter det inte bli tråkigt för det. Se deras överdådiga juldekorationer med granar, pepparkakshus och hundstatyer.
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Årets juldekorationer i Vita huset visades för upp för pressen i november och det stod snabbt klart att det inte sparats på krutet.

Det finns otaliga mängder granar, julgranskulor och glitter i Vita husets alla rum och hörn. Familjens hundar Sunny och Bo har gjorts till enorma statyer av 25 000 pompoms av garn och det finns flera snögubbar iklädda hattar, öronmuffar och halsdukar. I ett av rummen finns en nötknäppare i mänsklig storlek och i biblioteket finns granar skapade av pennor och kritor.

Det finns även flera pepparkakshus gjorda i lego som pryder bord och hänger i granarna. Även själva Vita huset finns byggt i miniatyrformat som pepparkakshus. I en av flyglarna hänger 7500 band i olika färger från taket och det finns ”julklappar” staplade på varandra som enorma pelare.

Temat för årets dekorationer är ”The Gift of the Holidays” (på svenska ungefär ”Gåvan av högtiden”). Temat reflekterar glädjen i att ge och få, men även livets gåvor i form av vänner, familj, utbildning och hälsa, enligt ett uttalande från Michelle Obamas stab.


Ta en titt på en del av dekorationerna nedan.

The 2016 White House Christmas decorations are previewed for the press at the White House in Washington, DC on Tuesday, November 29, 2016. Pictured are Christmas decorations in the Grand Foyer looking towards the East Room. The first lady's office released the following statement to describe those decorations, "This year∑s holiday theme, 'The Gift of the Holidays,' reflects on not only the joy of giving and receiving, but also the true gifts of life, such as service, friends and family, education, and good health, as we celebrate the holiday season." Credit: Ron Sachs / CNP - NO WIRE SERVICE - Photo: Ron Sachs/Consolidated/dpa (c) DPA / IBL BildbyrÂ
Obamas jul är den sista i Vita huset, innan Trump tillträder nästa år. Foto: DPA / IBL Bildbyrå
The 2016 White House Christmas decorations are previewed for the press at the White House in Washington, DC on Tuesday, November 29, 2016. Pictured are larger than life replicas of the Obama dogs Sunny and Bo, made of 25,000 yarn pom-poms. The first lady's office released the following statement to describe those decorations, "This year?s holiday theme, 'The Gift of the Holidays,' reflects on not only the joy of giving and receiving, but also the true gifts of life, such as service, friends and family, education, and good health, as we celebrate the holiday season." Credit: Ron Sachs / CNP /insight media
Familjens hundar har fått ta plats i form av två gigantiska dekorationer. Foto: Ron Sachs / CNP /insight media
The 2016 White House Christmas decorations are previewed for the press at the White House in Washington, DC on Tuesday, November 29, 2016. Pictured are the decorations in the Lower Cross Hall / Ground Floor Corridor. The first lady's office released the following statement to describe those decorations, "This year∑s holiday theme, 'The Gift of the Holidays,' reflects on not only the joy of giving and receiving, but also the true gifts of life, such as service, friends and family, education, and good health, as we celebrate the holiday season." Credit: Ron Sachs / CNP - NO WIRE SERVICE - Photo: Ron Sachs/Consolidated/dpa (c) DPA / IBL BildbyrÂ
Vita huset har fyllts till bredden med dekorationer för att skapa julstämning. Foto: DPA / IBL Bildbyrå
The 2016 White House Christmas decorations are previewed for the press at the White House in Washington, DC on Tuesday, November 29, 2016. The Gift of Education is brought to life in The Library, highlighting the more than 2,700 books housed there. Rulers will rim the base of the holiday trees while crayons and pencils create additional standalone trees. The colorful ornaments on display will spell out the word ?girls? in 12 different languages, paying homage to the First Lady?s Let Girls Learn initiative. The first lady's office released the following statement to describe those decorations, "This year?s holiday theme, 'The Gift of the Holidays,' reflects on not only the joy of giving and receiving, but also the true gifts of life, such as service, friends and family, education, and good health, as we celebrate the holiday season." Credit: Ron Sachs / CNP - NO WIRE SERVICE - Photo: Ron Sachs/Consolidated/dpa (c) DPA / IBL BildbyrÂ
I Vita husets bibliotek hyllas lärandet och Michelle Obamas initiativ ”Let Girls Learn” med två granar skapade av pennor och kritor. Julgranskulor i rummet pryds av ordet ”flickor” på tolv olika språk. Foto: DPA / IBL Bildbyrå
The 2016 White House Christmas decorations are previewed for the press at the White House in Washington, DC on Tuesday, November 29, 2016. Pictured is the White House Gingerbread House that is made with 150 pounds of gingerbread on the inside, 100 pounds of bread dough on the outside frame, 20 pounds of gum paste, 20 pounds of icing, and 20 pounds of sculpted sugar pieces. The first lady's office released the following statement to describe those decorations, "This year∑s holiday theme, 'The Gift of the Holidays,' reflects on not only the joy of giving and receiving, but also the true gifts of life, such as service, friends and family, education, and good health, as we celebrate the holiday season." Credit: Ron Sachs / CNP - NO WIRE SERVICE - Photo: Ron Sachs/Consolidated/dpa (c) DPA / IBL BildbyrÂ
Vita huset har byggts som pepparkakshus. Foto: DPA / IBL Bildbyrå
The 2016 White House Christmas decorations are previewed for the press at the White House in Washington, DC on Tuesday, November 29, 2016. Pictured is the Official White House Christmas Tree in the Blue Room. The first lady's office released the following statement to describe those decorations, "This year?s holiday theme, 'The Gift of the Holidays,' reflects on not only the joy of giving and receiving, but also the true gifts of life, such as service, friends and family, education, and good health, as we celebrate the holiday season." Credit: Ron Sachs / CNP - NO WIRE SERVICE - Photo: Ron Sachs/Consolidated/dpa (c) DPA / IBL BildbyrÂ
Vita husets officiella gran i Blue Room är över 5 meter hög och klädd i dekorationer i silver och guld. På girlanden i metall står inledningen av konstitutionen. Foto: DPA / IBL Bildbyrå